Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tuscan Beans with Sage


I've been very much into convenience food lately. And by that I mean, make-ahead, can-be-carted-around-in-a-backpack-and-eaten-cold-hours-later food.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Trail Mix Cookies

    Today is all about procrastination. It is cold. The hot water pipes in my house, in their typical spirit of perverse defiance and tenacity in the face of opposition, have frozen despite being left trickling overnight. I was looking forward to a visit from some family members which was cancelled due to illness (one of the less-known hazards of going to church: tell your friends). I had taken the day off in anticipation of spending it with my visitors. Logically, I should use the day to catch up on school work.

    That’s silly talk.