Sunday, April 20, 2014

Mocha Frappe

   It’s a cold, rainy Easter Sunday in our little Southern city here on the East Coast. Last year, we were spending Easter in Minnesota, and it was ever colder and more miserable. I think I thought then that moving closer to the ocean would solve all my problems, including weather-related ones. Well, it hasn't, though it has made most of them milder. 
    So what is one to do when you’re trapped indoors (and have been all weekend), and the afternoon needs a little sprucing up? My answer is usually the same: coffee.

    There are few matters in life that I am truly committed to taking seriously. What’s the point? Even the grimmest of subjects can’t be completely humorless all the time. Except coffee. There are jokes about death, and war, and poverty; but have you ever heard a joke about bad coffee? No, because bad coffee isn't a $*@# joke, people. This shit is serious.

      Some days—when it’s cold, or when I’m in a hurry—I like my coffee black and steaming, just poured from the French press. But sometimes, we all need a little something fancy in our lives. And when I feel like being fancy with coffee, I usually go sweet, iced, or blended.

    This particular little gem is all three of those things. I used espresso in my drink, because I could. The actual espresso flavor isn't as strong in sweet blended drinks, which makes them my go-to option when I’m out and about and I know there are good odds the espresso may not be that good (cough, cough—Starbucks—cough), but cold drinks really are lovely in their own right—and are usually my go-to summertime drink.

    Or, my go-to if I just want to pretend it’s summertime. 

Mocha Frappe

    2 shots of espresso *
Half a glass of ice
 ¼- ½ a cup of almond milk
 3-4 tbsp of coconut sugar or honey
½ tsp vanilla
2 tbsp dark cocoa powder

     Put all your ingredients in the blender and go to town. I’ve given you the basic proportions for this recipe, but it’s impossible to be very exact, as your results will vary depending on your blender, and even the type of ice you use. I suggest starting with less milk, and adding more as needed. You can adjust your thickness by adding milk or ice as needed, until desire consistency is reached. Then, pour into a glass, top with coconut whip, and enjoy.

* You can substitute strong, chilled coffee if needed. You’ll need more to give it that coffee flavor, so you’ll have to toy with the milk proportions. I haven’t tried it personally so I can’t give more specific instructions. But I believe in you.

Coconut Whip
   1 can coconut milk, full-fat

   Put a can of coconut milk in the fridge for several hours. Open can and remove the solidified cream that has risen to the top.

    For a single serving of coconut whipped cream, add 2-3 tbsp of the hard cream to a bowl, along with vanilla and sweetener to taste. (I recommend just a splash of vanilla, and about 2 tsp of honey). Whip with a hand mixer - I always use the whisk fixture - until the consistency of whipped cream. Enjoy! 

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