Friday, July 18, 2014

My original plan for Fridays, if I ever really had any, were to have a sort of random collection from the week.

That might still happen. But not today. Today is all about reptiles. Because that's just what I want.

Cuddly reptiles. (That's right: these two are clearly cuddling).

Hiding reptiles.

Sleepy reptiles.

Reptilian bathing beauties.

Look! More cuddling! Aren't cold-blooded squamata the sweetest?

All right, enough scales. Other than creeping on snakes, this is the other thing that has been going on in life recently: moving.

That, and listening to and watching this music video. Literally over and over again. I'm obsessed with the video, which is something like a whimsical, twisted -up salad of Wes Anderson, David Lynch, and tropey 60s horror films.  I sing it loudly every morning at work, which admittedly probably ruins a lot of people's mornings.

Speaking of repeatedly watching music videos: Sia's "Chandelier". The dancing is just splendid, it's been truly enjoyable with each viewing. Yes, I have probably watched it close to a dozen times. Don't judge.

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