Thursday, July 31, 2014

Mint syrup + iced coffee

    I’ve been extremely busy the past few weeks, moving to a new apartment, trying to settle in, finishing up my summer class, working, and running countless errands, but there is always time for coffee. Always.

    This is a recipe I tried for the first time many years ago, the concept originating in this little gem of a book that I got on the 1-3 dollar shelf outside the doors of a Barnes & Noble. At first I thought the combination of mint and coffee was strange, but my mom had a lot of mint in the front garden which had spread and multiplied that we were always trying to find uses for it, and I guess I decided I would take one for the team and give the recipe a spin.


   As it turned out, mint + coffee? Excellent combination. Admittedly I’ve only tried it with iced coffee, and while I’m sure it would be fine with hot as well, there is something especially refreshing about the coolness of mint culminating in iced coffee. It’s crisp, perky and calming at the same time; basically the perfect summer beverage, and this week I’ve literally been drinking it morning, noon, and night. (Yes, my coffee habit continues to rage unchecked. Sue me).

You'll need a classy contraption like this. 

     The original recipe was meant to be added to black coffee, but I like it with some almond milk as well—or, if you’re feeling really fancy, you could even add a little whip of your choice. I got real fancy with this and did all three. (And by fancy, I mainly mean I added a mint leaf for decoration. Food decoration = fancy, fyi).

Mint Iced Coffee
Mint syrup (see below)
Coffee, cold press or pre-chilled
Milk of choice, optional
Add 1-3 tbsp of mint syrup to glass of coffee and ice, add milk and whip if desired. 

Mint Syrup:
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
Approx. 1 cup (1 large bunch) of mint leaves

Whisk sugar and water, add mint leaves, and bring to a boil on the stove. Allow to simmer for 1-5 minutes, then turn off heat and let cool. When mixture is room temperature, strain into container. Proceed to make delightful coffee all summer long.

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