Monday, October 6, 2014

Mom's Banana Bread

 Blogging is a unique opportunity to craft the life you want the world to see, to make everything seem as neat and hip and filtered as Taylor Swift’s Instagram account. And while that’s cool and everything, I’m not so much about that. Mostly because the effort it takes to make things seem pristine and hipster-approved seems like a lot of work to me.

the bananas should be at least this ripe.

    There has been an overabundance of bananas in my life lately, not that I am complaining, because I love bananas. So much so that even the freezer wasn’t keeping up with my growing hoard, forcing me to utilize the frozen ones. I couldn’t drink smoothies fast enough, making banana bread my next option. The profusion of the fruit seemed rather ironic to me, because ‘bananas’ has really been the most apt way to describe life in general lately. But that’s nothing new, so maybe I just have an exaggerated concept of what normalcy actually looks like.

Had poor lighting. Didn't care. #bananas

    So if you’re feeling a little bananas today, do what I did the day I made this: defrost some Ӧtzi-like bananas, heap up your dirty dishes so you can access you sink to wash the bare minimum you will  need to make this recipe, and wantonly guzzle coffee the entire hour it takes for the bread to actually cook, or would take if you had actually bothered to defrost the bananas all the way in the first place. And lick the bowl.

Mom's Banana Bread
3 bananas, very ripe
¾ cup sugar
2 flax eggs, or one flax and one chia egg (same proportions as flax), which is what I used
½ cup oil, such as coconut or canola
1 tsp baking soda
1 ½ cup flour
½ cup nuts or chocolate chips, if desired.

Preheat oven at 300. Mix ingredients. If particularly averse to banana lumps, blend them first. Pour into loaf pan or muffin tin and bake for about 60 minutes, until top is browned and toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. You should probably let it cool at least a little bit before removing from pan of choice.

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