Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Breakfast Enchiladas [vegan]

My handsome sidekick and I recently had several weeks off of work and school. You'd think I would have used this time to do a lot of cooking and blogging, but that wasn't so much the case: we stayed pretty busy with getting settled into our new apartment and procrastinating.

But we did cook some things. It was actually Jack who conceived of these delicious enchiladas. They were inspired by my vegan breakfast scramble, another Hard Times-prompted creation that Jack will actually deign to eat, even in all its healthy/vegan glory. With our recent (accidental) discovery of green enchilada sauce was just begging to be adapted for breakfast, scramble-filled enchiladas were the obvious step.

Friday, August 1, 2014

old apartment memories + moving + life + other stuff happens

We are in the middle of moving and finishing classes and summer jobs and other fun grownup-but-not-completely-grownup stuff.

Life is pretty crazy right now.

So I've had less time for cooking, writing and blogging and related things, but I hope to pick up the pace when we get settled into our new place.

We've been living in an area of Wilmington that makes people raise their eyebrows and gasp when we tell them where it is.

One of my coworkers' reaction when I revealed the location - immediately after he had been talking about growing up in the ghetto - was to raise his eyebrows and tell me,

    "Okay, sweetie, I'm going to need you to do my a favor: don't get shot, okay?"

So far, so good.