Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Breakfast Enchiladas [vegan]

My handsome sidekick and I recently had several weeks off of work and school. You'd think I would have used this time to do a lot of cooking and blogging, but that wasn't so much the case: we stayed pretty busy with getting settled into our new apartment and procrastinating.

But we did cook some things. It was actually Jack who conceived of these delicious enchiladas. They were inspired by my vegan breakfast scramble, another Hard Times-prompted creation that Jack will actually deign to eat, even in all its healthy/vegan glory. With our recent (accidental) discovery of green enchilada sauce was just begging to be adapted for breakfast, scramble-filled enchiladas were the obvious step.

Breakfast Enchiladas [vegan]

½ block of firm tofu
½ tsp turmeric (for color)
1 tsp each of:
Onion powder
Garlic powder
1-2 tbsp nutritional yeast
1 tbsp smoky paprika

1-2 tbsp oil
1 small onion, chopped
1 bell pepper, chopped
½ cloves of garlic, diced or pressed
1 cup of mushrooms, diced
1 can of green chiles, diced
1 diced canned red pepper

To assemble:
1 can green enchilada sauce
12 flour tortillas

            Squeeze or press tofu to remove some of the moisture—I usually just squeeze it in my hands over the sink, this crumbles it a bit as well. Put in bowl, add spices and combine. Set aside.

 Heat the oil in a skillet and sauté all the ingredient,s including the scramble, starting with onion and pepper and adding mushrooms when pepper and onion have begun to soften. If desired, add a few tablespoons of the enchilada sauce to the sauté. Adjust spices to taste.

    When scramble is cooked, fill flour tortillas with sauté, wrapping and placing in a pan. Top with enchilada sauce, and cheese if that is your thing, and bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes, or until edges of tortillas are crisp and any theoretical cheese is melting and doing cheese things like that.

As you can see, my breakfast enchilada did not come out of the pan without a fight. Isn't that just life sometimes.

 In closing I'd like to say that if I had to choose a tagline for this recipe, it would be: "breakfast enchiladas: looks like vomit, tastes like heaven. I know none of you believe me but try it anyway."

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