Friday, August 1, 2014

old apartment memories + moving + life + other stuff happens

We are in the middle of moving and finishing classes and summer jobs and other fun grownup-but-not-completely-grownup stuff.

Life is pretty crazy right now.

So I've had less time for cooking, writing and blogging and related things, but I hope to pick up the pace when we get settled into our new place.

We've been living in an area of Wilmington that makes people raise their eyebrows and gasp when we tell them where it is.

One of my coworkers' reaction when I revealed the location - immediately after he had been talking about growing up in the ghetto - was to raise his eyebrows and tell me,

    "Okay, sweetie, I'm going to need you to do my a favor: don't get shot, okay?"

So far, so good.

I did not want to move here at all. All the houses look the same and the police patrol the streets like they're here to catch us doing something wrong, which they probably are, because there is a lot of small-time wrong-doing here. I fully support the police force in all it's justice-keeping endeavours, of course, but living here has changed my perspective on a lot of things.

While I've had a few unnecessarily unpleasant interactions with the police since moving, all our neighbors have been friendly and warm. I'm sad to leave this drab, poor, bleak little housing complex where the only difference between the houses, inside or out, is their state of disrepair.

I'm excited about our new, unique little apartment on the bottom floor of a historic house, but I'm going to miss this place, just like I kind of miss our ratty little Minneapolis apartment sometimes.

Anywho, here are some pictures of my favorite spaces in our old apartment. Soon, I'll post pictures of the new place. Hopefully. No promises.

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