Thursday, July 31, 2014

Mint syrup + iced coffee

    I’ve been extremely busy the past few weeks, moving to a new apartment, trying to settle in, finishing up my summer class, working, and running countless errands, but there is always time for coffee. Always.

Friday, July 18, 2014

My original plan for Fridays, if I ever really had any, were to have a sort of random collection from the week.

That might still happen. But not today. Today is all about reptiles. Because that's just what I want.

Cuddly reptiles. (That's right: these two are clearly cuddling).

Hiding reptiles.

Sleepy reptiles.

Reptilian bathing beauties.

Look! More cuddling! Aren't cold-blooded squamata the sweetest?

All right, enough scales. Other than creeping on snakes, this is the other thing that has been going on in life recently: moving.

That, and listening to and watching this music video. Literally over and over again. I'm obsessed with the video, which is something like a whimsical, twisted -up salad of Wes Anderson, David Lynch, and tropey 60s horror films.  I sing it loudly every morning at work, which admittedly probably ruins a lot of people's mornings.

Speaking of repeatedly watching music videos: Sia's "Chandelier". The dancing is just splendid, it's been truly enjoyable with each viewing. Yes, I have probably watched it close to a dozen times. Don't judge.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Cookie Crumble Frappe [vegan]


Oh, hello there, you gorgeous drinkable confection. Let me introduce you to my friends, Oreo cookies.

   Well, almost Oreo cookies. The cookies, like the drink, are really a one-off of someone else's brilliance (aren't we all), brilliance in this case being Starbucks' Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Gingersnap Cold Press: thirsty + throwback Thursday

    Ready for things to get weirdly nostalgic and stuff?

   Okay, well first off, this rather innocuous-looking picture is almost all of what you will need to make this drink, which is, not surprisingly, both coffee and cold.

    This recipe was inspired by two things I thought I would never miss: Minnesota and my mom.
  I believe in most cases to miss something, you have to love it. I didn’t think I loved Minnesota, and maybe I don't, but once a place is a backdrop for  happy times and experiences the memories and the place become intertwined, and to desire one is to want the other as well. Or maybe I just don’t want to give Minnesota the satisfaction or the credit she deserves as a charming State.